Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just for fun...

Goodness me, that was a loooong post! Ooopsy - I didn't realise I'd written that much. I'll try to be more concise in future!

Anyhow, I just wanted to do one more thing. All those meme thingies and email forwards that go around that I've never participated in... I have secretly wanted to complete one. So here it is:

Well, at least, here I thought it was! For some reason I can't copy and paste into this silly thing.

Trying again...

and again...

it still doesn't work. So I guess I'll re-type it and get someone to help me another time...

Factoids ~ A Blog Post With 15 Weird Random Facts About Me!

* I am in the middle of holidays, and I still feel as tired as I did during term time.
* Some of the most awesome people on earth call me their friend.
* Jesus has saved me from my sins!
* I do not love my blonde hair.
* This year, I plan to take much more care about what I eat.
* I get sunburnt very easily.
* I hate getting sunburnt. Like, really hate it. It makes me cross.
* I wish I could play the piano better.
* When I turned 18, I stopped biting my nails overnight.
* I am told I have an expressive face. I don't think this is a good thing.
* In 2009, one of my goals is to learn to control said face a bit better.
* I miss my brother very much.
* I ran over a turtle when I was on my L's.
* When I get cravings, I crave cheeseburgers, 2 minute noodles and mint slice biscuits.
* I am capable of crying at the drop of a hat for no reason. It is quite an unfortunate situation.
* When someone hugs me, I feel very loved and it makes my day.
* I love to sew, but I don't get a lot of time these days.
* Happy babies in shopping trollies make me smile.
* Sometimes I eat too much chocolate.
* I can now drive a manual car... thanks to some very patient people.


  1. number 16-you are also capable of snapping (in an angry way) at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason-quite an unfourtunate situation really for he/she who is on the receiving end!

    number 17- why do u hate blond hair?

    number 18-you love receiving compliments

  2. Hello my lovely Sig - happy babies in shopping trollies make you smile, ay? I'm glad to hear that. Happy babies in shopping trollies don't stay happy when they see me... all of a sudden the bottom lip starts to quiver, and dear little wrinkles appear on their dear little foreheads, and suddenly you hear a noise more piercing than the alarm on that car your parents bought last week....

  3. Hi Carla
    Thank you for starting a blog. Your last two posts made me smile a lot. I look forward to all the posts to come. Sending you a hug and letting you know you are loved. See you on Monday.
    Love Tegan Roberts
    BTW Please wish your special sister a very happy birthday for me.
