Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feeling uninspired...

I don't know why I'm feeling particularly uninspired... I shouldn't. I've spent a lovely weekend with a whole bunch of lovely friends - up here on Saturday, and down in the Canberra area on Sunday and Monday.

We had a great time with the Axelbys... I'm in love with the whole family, but particularly their bouncing, dribbling, baby boy and their second-youngest who is one of the cutest sweet peas you will ever come across. :) It was lovely to be able to catch up with them before the term gets into full swing, and even though we were at their place for less than 24 hours, we were able to cram in all the things we love doing together... games, chatting, eating, table tennis, movies, pajamas, junk food, hugs... and we added a new one, sock-wrestling. :) I think the girls were slightly mortified at the thought of it at first, but they got into it after a while. :)

Then on yesterday for Australia Day we went to a picnic, where lots of our friends were, so we were able to touch base with them all before the year starts properly. It was a good day, but different to our usual Australia Days, where we all go down to the parade in town, have a bunch of people over for lunch and then all traipse down to watch the fireworks... and usually Lachlan is here too...

Today I started teaching, though only six lessons. It was good to get back into that again... I can see a couple of potential Little Miss Personalities coming up, but time will tell.

So... that's it really. Still feeling really unsettled about other stuff that's going on around here and everything. Even though it was hard, it was probably good for me to put it all behind me for a day and a half and try to act normal...


  1. It's still good to write what's happening in your uninspired moments. Makes other people feel more normal.

    We had a lovely time with you and Meaghan, thanks for coming and making us laugh. I know we had our serious moments too, but that sock wrestling was hilarious! The memorable moment for January, I think.

  2. Oh, no, Carla! We weren't at all mortified at the sock wrestling thing - it was awesome! Karli and I are hoping to improve on our violence skills.
    We were a rather dull lot to spend the weekend with, do forgive us if you can (too many late nights).
    But I must add that we LOVED having you stay with us :)

  3. You were not at ALL dull! And we loved the time we spent with you beautiful people. :)
